Unlock Your Academic Potential with Predictive Insights!

Leverage data-driven predictions and grade analytics to optimize student performance.

Trusted by 1600+ of the world's most popular companies

Transforming Education through Advanced Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Gain insights into student performance with real-time grade predictions and analysis.

Admin, Instructor, and Student Portals

Tailored dashboards for each user role, providing a personalized experience for every

Data Export & Import

Easily export grades, predictions, and grading configurations, and re-import when

Why Choose Our Platform?

Boost Student Success through Predictive Insights

Optimize Course Management with Powerful Admin Tools.

Simplify Grading and Assessment for Instructor

Enable Better Decision-Making with Pessimistic and Optimistic Scenarios

How it works

Step 1: Admin Setup

Create courses, define grading criteria, and configure predictive models.

Step 2: Instructor Management

Upload assessments, manage grades, and view detailed student reports.

Step 3: Student Success

Students view their grades, predictions, and receive personalized performance tips.

Time saved on management
0 %
Rise in teamwork efficiency
0 %
Less missed deadlines
0 %
Expenses saved all projects
0 %

Easily integrate into tools you already use

What Our Users Are Saying

“Other classes should take this same approach, since it helps students see where they stand and where they need to improve throughout the semester.”

Bijan Behzadi

“This really saved a lot of time for me
motivated me to strive for the grades I want”


Niya Eapen

Ready to Experience Predictive Analytics for Education?