
Explore Our Comprehensive Feature Set

Predictive Analytics

Get accurate grade predictions based on historical data, current performance, and weighted assessments.

Current Grade Analysis

View ongoing grades, identify trends, and predict end results based on the current trajectory.

User Role Portals

Separate portals for Admins, Instructors, and Students to ensure an optimized experience tailored to each role

Comprehensive Reporting

Generate detailed reports for course performance, user activity, and grade projections.

Grade Export & Import:

Export grading scales, grading heads, and student results effortlessly. Re-import configurations with ease.

The most affordable pricing plan for you

Xmoze is a simple software that allows you to run your business easily. One software tool brings the whole business together.

Starter Plan

$10/Per Month

  • Limited Access Library
  • Individual User Capabilities
  • No Updates Facility
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Basic Plan

$45/Per Month

  • Full Access Library
  • Limited User Capabilities
  • Free Lifetime Updates Facility
Choose Plan

Premium Plan

$25/Per Month

  • Full Access Library
  • Multiple User Capabilities
  • Free Lifetime Updates Facility
Choose Plan
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If you want to know anything, ask us

Is it safe to invest in cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a good investment if you want to gain direct exposure to the demand for digital currency.

How many altcoins are there?

Cryptocurrency is a good investment if you want to gain direct exposure to the demand for digital currency.

Which cryptocurrency is offered here?

Cryptocurrency is a good investment if you want to gain direct exposure to the demand for digital currency.